Many people need money but do not know where to go with their unwanted jewelry items. With the accumulation of everyday expenses, people are often looking for ways to earn some money. If you’re someone who has unwanted jewelry that’s collecting dust in the drawers, consider turning them into cash rather than having them sit around. You may be surprised by the value of your unwanted jewelry. Whether your jewelry is in new or damaged condition, we’ll be more than happy to offer you money for it.
Don’t send it in the mail and lose complete control of the value. Over the past few years, the number of TV and internet advertisements that focus on turning your jewelry into cash have become increasingly more prevalent. To ensure that you don’t fall for any scams, avoid anything that requires you to mail your jewelry items before you know the true value of it. After it’s sent out, you no longer have control over what happens next, and you could potentially be missing out on some great value.
Don’t go to an inexperienced fly-by-night vendor. Often found in temporary locations, these vendors may be looking to take advantage of inexperienced collectors or sellers. In other instances, if the buyer is new and hasn’t had a lot of experience or knowledge about this field, you may be less likely to get a good appraisal for your precious metals or jewelry.
Paul Albarian has over 23 years of experience helping people maximize the value of their jewelry. I have been at this business for decades and have the knowledge, experience, and resources to help you get the most value out of your items. I am a reputable gold dealer and always strive to provide my clients with the most honest advice when it comes to their jewelry, rare coins, or precious (bullion) metals.
We belong to various organizations (e.g., BBB, Burbank Chamber of Commerce). We are members of several organizations including: The American Numismatic Association, The Better Business Bureau, Professional Coin Grading Services, and Numismatic Guaranty Corporation. You can check out our ratings to confirm that we’re a trustworthy organization with an excellent track record when it comes to dealing with our clients. After all, we are committed to seeing you happy and satisfied with the result of your jewelry sale. Ask our customers on Yelp.
Call us today at (818) 827-7152 to get a free, no obligation appraisal on your jewelry, rare coins, and precious (bullion) metals.