People are living longer and everything is getting more expensive. With the rising cost of everyday items like gasoline, extra money is always needed. When money is tight, one way to make extra cash is to evaluate the items that are just collecting dust around your home. Items such as jewelry, precious metals and rare coins have great value and many people may not know how easy it is or where to go to sell them.
Many elderly people have to leave their homes after 30 years or more to go into assisted living, or someone passes away or incurs high medical bills. In the event of an unpredictable situation, you may be left to pay off these sudden and unexpected expenses. Oftentimes, during these events, we are left with an estate and maybe have the great responsibility of being the executor of the estate. You might be unsure of what to do with the items. Medical bills and living expenses can quickly add up, which is why it’s important to evaluate the items you have lying around your home and find out how much they are worth.
We are a reputable dealer, and our Yelp! reviews support that. We are recognized as an honest gold and jewelry dealer in the Los Angeles area and offer free verbal expert appraisals on your items. We value your privacy and will always handle your items with care. We know that money is essential for various occasions in life and we will provide you with a fair and honest valuation. Visit our Yelp profile and see what past clients have to say about us!
We give you a free no obligation verbal appraisal and treat you and your belongings with respect and dignity during a delicate or complicated time in your life. With the estate of a loved one, you want the items to be handled with care and respect. We will offer you a free and fair price for your items.
We want to help you with those unpredictable situations. During unpredictable events, you may need money to help you pay for the expenses and bills. Selling your unwanted gold and silver jewelry items can get you the money you need. You may also choose to part with rare items you have been nurturing during your lifetime, which is where we come in. We can help you. We can buy your coins and jewelry. Sell your old and unwanted items to Paul Albarian & Associates and get a fair price so that you can get the value you deserve.
Call Paul Albarian & Associates today at (818) 827-7152 to discuss how we can help you handle you and your loved one’s estate during these unpredictable situations.